First Hajj Pilgrimage

Imam Ahmad Raza went to his first Hajj piligrimage & visited Holy Madinah, along with his parents. Hazrat Hussain bin Saleh, Shafai Mufti, seeing Imam Ahmad Raza, Said :- 
"I see Allah's light on his forehead. He is the light Deen (Ziauddin)

He conferred Imam Ahmad Raza, the certificate of six collections of Hadiths & Caliphate in Qadriah Saintly Order. 

Maulana Ahmad Zain Dahlan Makki and Shaikh Abdul Rahman Siraj Makkih, and Hanfi Mufti also conferred him the Certificates of Hadith, Excegecis,
and princple of Jurisprudence. 
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