Books of Imam Ahmad Raza |
No doubt ! Imam Ahmad Raza had written more than 1000
books on the above mentined rational and irrational branches of knowledge but till now his total writings
have not been collected & listed. Dr Hasan Raza Khan has presented a list of about 600 books in his
Ph.d. Thesis "Faqihe Islam." Maulana Abdul Mobin Noamani Azmi has compiled a list of about 750 books but till
now he has not published the list in details. An abridged list of Raza's books in his Ph.d. thesis which are as such :-
Branch of knowledge Number of books
1- Excegesis 15
2- Principle of excegesis and knowledge of the Quran 1
3- Arabic Calligraphy 1
4- Hadith 36
5- Principle of the Hadith 5
6- certificates of the Hadith 3
7- Deduction of the Hadith 4
8- Critical examination of the Hadith 8
9- Encyclopaedia of the Narrators of the Hadith 7
10- Lexicon of the Hadith 1
11- Jurisprudence 253
12- Principle of Jurisprudence 7
13- Rasmul Mufti 3
14- Inheritance 4
15- Recitation of the Quran 4
16- Theology & Biography 124+4=128
17- Dialectic 7
18- Excellences and Encomium 32
19- History 3
20- Mysticism 12+2=14
21- Incantation 14
22- Ethics 3
23- Malfoozat, Letters & Sermons 5
24- Literature 22
25- Syntax & Etomology 3
26- Lexicon, prosody 4
27- Tabeer & Aufaque 2
28- Takseer 4
29- Jafr 9
30- Timings 18
31- Logarithms 2
32- Astronomical Tables 9
33- Geometry 4
34- Arithmetic and computation 14
35- Astronomy 16
36- Astrology 5
37- Algebra 6
38- Logic 3
39- Philosophy 6
Total 685
Some famous books of Imam Ahmad Raza
1- Fatawa Radhvia (12 volunes)
2. Husamul Harmain
3. Fatawa Harmain
4. Addaulatul Makkiah
5. Fatawa Africa
6. Ahkame Shariat
7. Subhanussubbuh
8- Al-Amno-wal-ola
9- Dawamul Aish
10- Al Mohajjatul-Motamnah
11- Kiflul Faqihil Fahim
12- Alsamsaam
13- Samsamul Haidari
14- Saiful Mustafa
15- Maqale- Urafa
16- Badrul Anwar
17- Fauze Mobeen
18- Moine Mobeen
19- Alkalimatul Mulhama
20- Al-Aalamul -Aalam
21- Tadbeer Falaho Najateo Islah
22- Munabbehul Munia
23- Saltanete Mustafa
24- Nutque Hilal
25- Nafi-ul-Fai
26- Almobeen Khatamul Mobeen
27- Raddur Rafza
28- Kaifare Kufre Aarya
29- Kashful Illa
30- Risala Dar Ilmi Muthullath
31- Risala Dar Ilmi Takseer
32- Risala Jabro Muqabila
33- Risala Fi Ilm-il- Jafar
34- Taaje Tauqeet
35- Al Nahiul- Nameer
36- Hashia Usule Taba'ee
37- Al- Matrus Sayeed
38- Kanzul Iman
39- Hadaique- Bakhshish
40- Khalisul Itqad
41- Muneerul- Ain
42- Al Istimdad
43- Khatmul Nabuwah
44- Jiddul Mumtar
45- Tamheede Iman etc.