Imam Ahmad Raza is world famous for his prophetic love.
His immense & Passionate love and affection for the Holy Prophet Sall Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam is
manifested by his writhings, act and renewal deeds of the Prophet. Every movement of his life was devoted
for the love of the Prophet Sall Allahu Alaih Wa Sallam. He defended the sanctity & glorification of
the Prophet Sall Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam. He fought against insolents of the Holy Prophet Sall Allahu
Alaihi Wa Sallam & punished them. He charged fatwa of Kufr and opostacy against tetra elements of
Deoband---- Thanvi, Gangohi, Ambethavi, Nanautawi & the Mirza of
Qadyan, Ghulam Ahmad.
He refuted every false sect, thought, view, theory & custom & all this he did for
the sense of Honour of Prophetic love. He Proved that love with the Prophet is Iman & he
(The prophet ) is the Soul of Iman.
Devotion with Ghause Azam
He was the great devotee of Ghause Azam Radiyallaho Anhu. Ghause Azam Radiyallaho Anhu is the chief of Qadria Sufiorder & Supreme Aulia. He
belonged to Qadria saintly order & declared himself the guard of Baghdad.
Respect to Saiyeds
This was the manifestation of Prophetic love that he loved and honoured saiyeds as they are the descendants
of the Holy Prophet Sall Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam.